To be your biggest champion until you are capable of being your own, enabling you to live limitlessly. 
Feeling ill get to the best of us, even when you think you're super healthy, doing everything right, it can still come and sweep you off your feet and knock you off track. We see this a lot; it can really set us back a week or 2 which can be frustrating for both yourself and for us as coaches. This tool kit is a small guide to help you find ways to manage and move forward with illnesses such as cold & flu to help you with your goals, training and nutrition. 
Illness: What training protocols should I follow? 
We understand exercise is a stress on the body, coupled with already being ill this isn't the best place to position ourselves. This doesn't mean 'don't exercise' it just means you may be perhaps slowing recovery down. We like to aim to at least actively recover on these days that you may be feeling ill. i.e. a long walk, light cardio etc. Just because you 'should' be in the gym, doesn't mean that's the best option right now for you. Taking a few days of downtime, deloading is the perfect way to recover. If we can recover as efficiently as possible, you'll be back to full health in no time. You should always listen to your body. I've found taking a few days off from training whilst ill has really helped me bounce back quicker, be more present in my work life and generally sleep better too. Clients at KL are renowned for taking on board when they're bodies just can’t do what they want. Having active recovery days, using focus & flow sessions are great ways to increase recovery. 
Food intake protocols 
Let's be honest, the last food we want to eat is protein & veg right? Me included! However, it's a smart move to at least have it in some way. I love to have a big smoothie if I'm feeling run down, ill or fluey. You can use fresh or frozen. First thing in the morning, you've got it out of the way then. We understand food quality is a huge contributor towards good health, well-being etc. Having the food, we 'want' is also essential. Don't be worried about having the food you think you 'shouldn't have'. It isn't going to harm you! 
Supplementation aspects of illness 
Vitamin C - 1500/2000mg daily 
(Foods - citrus fruits, orange juice, strawberries, peppers, broccoli, potato, Brussel sprouts, Kale, spinach)  
Echinacea - 1 per day (follow instructions)  
Vitamin D - 1 per day - 400-800 IU or 10-20 micrograms 
(Foods - salmon, sardines, cod liver oil, tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms)  
Zinc - 8mg daily for women - 11mg for men 
(Foods - meat, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, eggs, whole grains, dark chocolate, mushrooms, garlic) 
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