To be your biggest champion until you are capable of being your own, enabling you to live limitlessly. 


You’ve tried to get in shape before, it’s worked for some time, but then you ended up back at square 1? 
You’re new to the whole gym & exercise scene, you’re really interested in learning how to get a head start on your own journey? 
You’re actually already quite far on in your journey, you’re just looking for that extra guidance, accountability & support from our specialist team. 
You lack motivation & drive, you require that help & motivation from us. 
You’re quite simply, confused & bombarded with tonnes of information that’s out there. 
With over 7 years coaching experience from our trainers. We have consulted, worked with & taken every possible client through their own journey. Leaving with an outstanding result. You’re right, we can’t help everyone. But we ensure we work to the best of our ability to do so. Yes, fat loss is our specialist area however we work with a range of other clients focusing on training performance optimisation, muscle & hypertrophy, strength training, life coaching and mentoring.  
We as a facility, pride ourselves in ensuring our team go through yearly extensive training in the field to make sure each & everyone of our current and future clients get the best possible service and result they desire. We regularly visit some of the top Personal Training educational systems in the country to keep on top of up to date information the industry has to offer, coupled with the ability to apply, most importantly, keeping inline with your goals. 


Does KL Health Hub provide meal plans? 
No. In our opinion and previous trials. Specific meal planning is not a sustainable way to achieve a result, whilst gaining education, knowledge & the ability to apply. 
Can I be guaranteed to achieve my desired physique in 8-12 weeks? This seems to be common amongst other coaches. 
No, our coaches have spent time working on results with clients. Some of which could take months if not years to achieve. We specialise in long term, lifestyle coaching. 
The results we provide are governed by our various core values. Sustainability, education, passion & health. 
These factors are all compromised if we ‘rush’ the process. Not everyone is ready for a ‘transformation’. 
Does KL Health Hub only do fat loss transformations? 
No, we do predominantly work with fat loss clients, however we work with a range of clients who’s goals are performance based for both exercise & nutrition. Whether this is for sports specific, hypertrophy or strength based coaching. Alongside these important factors, we instill the fundamental practices of lifestyle management, behaviour change and habit forming to compliment whatever goals clients have.